Our Warranty Policy


    At One Green Filter, we are dedicated to providing high-quality water filtration products and ensuring the utmost satisfaction for our customers. Our commitment extends beyond delivering exceptional products; it encompasses a steadfast dedication to product reliability, durability, and customer service excellence. As part of this commitment, we proudly offer a lifetime warranty on all our products sold online, guaranteeing their performance and quality against manufacturing defects.

    Please note that the lifetime warranty applies exclusively to products purchased through our online store and does not cover products sold through retail channels or local service providers, as the manufacturers may differ.

    We stand behind the quality and craftsmanship of our online products, offering a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. This warranty assures our customers that their investment in our online filtration systems is protected, ensuring peace of mind and confidence in the reliability of our products. Our exclusive lifetime warranty for online purchases underscores our unwavering commitment to product excellence and customer satisfaction for our online customers, whether filters, housings, valves, or any other component. With One Green Filter's online store, you can trust that your water filtration needs are met and exceeded, backed by our industry-leading warranty coverage for online purchases.



    At One Green Filter, our warranty coverage extends to all components essential to the operation and performance of our water filtration systems purchased through our online store, whether ordered manually through our website or via phone, email, or messaging through a customer service representative. This comprehensive coverage includes filters, housings, valves, and other integral components necessary for the effective functioning of our products. We understand the importance of each part in delivering clean, purified water to our customers, which is why we ensure that all these components are covered under our warranty for online purchases.

    Our lifetime warranty provides extensive coverage for online-purchased products afflicted by manufacturing defects outside normal use or wear and tear. This means that any malfunction or failure resulting from defects in materials or workmanship is fully covered for products bought through our online channels, ensuring that our customers receive products of the highest quality and reliability. Whether it's a faulty filter cartridge, a defective housing, or a malfunctioning valve purchased online, our warranty safeguards against any manufacturing imperfections that may compromise the performance or longevity of our products. With this robust coverage, our customers can trust in the durability and reliability of their One Green Filter water filtration systems purchased online for years to come.



    While our warranty provides extensive coverage for manufacturing defects on products purchased through our online store, certain conditions or circumstances may void the warranty. Our customers must be aware of these exclusions to ensure that they adhere to the terms and conditions of the warranty agreement and prevent any unintentional voiding of the warranty due to unawareness. The following list outlines the conditions or circumstances that may void the warranty:

    Improper Handling: Any damage resulting from mishandling, rough treatment, or improper water filtration system installation may void the warranty. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully during installation and use to prevent any damage that could compromise the system's integrity.

    Modifications: Any unauthorized modifications or alterations to the water filtration system may void the warranty. This includes attempts to repair or modify system components without prior authorization from One Green Filter. Modifying the system in any way could compromise its performance and functionality, thereby voiding the warranty.

    Negligence: Failure to properly maintain or care for the water filtration system may void the warranty. Neglecting to perform routine maintenance tasks, such as replacing filters or cleaning components, could lead to malfunctions or damage not covered under the warranty. It's essential to follow the recommended maintenance schedule outlined in the product manual to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the system.

    Acts of Nature: Damage caused by acts of nature, such as flooding, fire, lightning, or other natural disasters, may void the warranty. While our water filtration systems are designed to withstand normal environmental conditions, they may be susceptible to damage in extreme circumstances beyond our control. It's important to protect the system from potential environmental hazards to avoid voiding the warranty.

    These exclusions align with our policies for online sales and are in place to ensure the proper use and maintenance of our products, upholding the integrity of our warranty coverage. We kindly ask our customers to carefully review and understand these exclusions to prevent any unintentional voiding of the warranty.




    For products purchased through our online store, whether directly on the website or through a customer service representative via phone, email, or messaging, the following additional conditions specifically apply to well water systems to maintain warranty eligibility:

    Water Quality Standards: Well water used with online-purchased filtration systems must meet stringent quality standards to maintain warranty coverage. These include the absence of hydrogen sulfide odors, oils, and high levels of contaminants like copper, iron, and manganese that can impact system performance.

    Pre-Treatment Requirements: Pre-treatment steps like sediment filtration, oxidation, or pH adjustment may be mandatory for online-purchased well water systems to qualify for warranty coverage. Customers must follow all pre-treatment guidance provided by One Green Filter for their specific well water conditions.

    Routine Maintenance: More frequent filter replacements, system inspections, and cleaning procedures are typically required for online-purchased well water filtration systems compared to municipal water sources. Adhering strictly to the recommended maintenance schedule for well water use is necessary to prevent voiding the warranty.

    These conditions differ from retail or non-online purchases, where the manufacturers and warranty policies may vary. For online sales specifically, meeting these well water requirements is essential to ensure proper system function and maintain protection under our comprehensive lifetime warranty coverage. Failure to address these unique well water needs could result in the warranty being voided for online-purchased products.



    At One Green Filter, we stand behind the performance of our products purchased through our online channels under normal usage conditions, providing customers with assurance and confidence in the effectiveness of our filtration systems.

    Assurance of Product Performance: For online purchases, we guarantee that our filtration systems will perform as described on our website product pages, delivering reliable and consistent results in water purification for the stated contaminant removal claims. You can rely on their ability to effectively reduce the specific contaminants listed per the certified performance data.

    Guarantee Duration and Specifications: Our online Guarantee of Performance specifies the duration and exact specifications based on the product purchased. This includes the guaranteed service lifecycle, flow rates, and contaminant reduction performance as tested and certified to applicable standards like NSF. The guarantee duration may be for a set time period or rated capacity in gallons. All guarantees are explicitly stated on the respective online product pages.

    By clearly defining these online performance guarantees, we ensure transparency regarding what to expect from your online purchase. Adherence to manufacturer use instructions is required to maintain guarantee coverage. We aim to exceed expectations while setting precise limitations to prevent any misunderstandings.



    Initiating a warranty claim with One Green Filter is straightforward and ensures prompt resolution and customer satisfaction. Whether you encounter an issue covered by our warranty or have questions about your product's performance, our dedicated support team will assist you immediately. The Claim Process outlines the steps for initiating a warranty claim, including obtaining authorization, returning covered items, and understanding the responsibilities of One Green Filter and the customer.

    Initiating a Warranty Claim: To initiate a warranty claim for an online-purchased product, customers must contact our customer support team within 30 days of discovering the issue to obtain authorization and discuss the nature of the problem. Our knowledgeable representatives will guide you through the claim process, answer any questions, and assist you in resolving the issue to your satisfaction.

    Authorization and Return of Covered Items: Once authorization is obtained, customers will receive instructions from our support team on properly packaging and shipping the covered item(s) back to One Green Filter's designated facility for inspection and evaluation. Customers are responsible for ensuring the returned items are packaged securely to prevent damage during transit.

    Responsibilities and Obligations: One Green Filter and the customer have duties and obligations during the claim process. One Green Filter is committed to promptly evaluating warranty claims, determining the appropriate course of action, and providing resolution in accordance with our warranty terms. Customers are responsible for providing accurate information about the issue, cooperating with our support team, adhering to the return instructions, and submitting claims within the 30-day window.

    30-Day Claim Submission Requirement: To ensure the validity of warranty claims for online purchases, customers must contact our support team and initiate the claim process within 30 days of discovering the issue. This requirement emphasizes the importance of timely reporting and proactive engagement with our warranty program, enabling us to address any potential issues promptly and efficiently for our online customers.


    As part of our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction, One Green Filter outlines the limitations on liability and responsibilities of both parties involved in the warranty process for online-purchased products. Understanding these limitations and responsibilities is crucial for ensuring the validity of warranty claims and maintaining a positive customer experience.

    Limitations on Liability

    • Our liability does not extend to cover damages resulting from improper handling, unauthorized modifications, negligence, acts of nature, or other circumstances explicitly excluded in the warranty policy.
    • Customers are responsible for thoroughly reviewing, understanding, and complying with the warranty policy terms for their online purchase, including any limitations on liability specified therein.
    • For online purchases, One Green Filter's liability is strictly limited to the terms and conditions outlined in the warranty policy provided at the time of purchase. We are not liable for any incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or other damages arising from the use or malfunction of our products beyond the stated warranty coverage.


    Responsibilities of One Green Filter

    • We are committed to promptly evaluating warranty claims for online purchases, assisting customers throughout the process, and addressing any product issues or defects covered under the warranty terms.
    • Our responsibility also includes providing clear guidelines and educating customers about proper maintenance, installation requirements, and any specific usage conditions to uphold warranty validity and maximize product performance.
    • One Green Filter is responsible for honoring the warranty terms as stated for the specific online-purchased product and providing resolution strictly in accordance with the outlined coverage.

    Responsibilities of Customers

    • Proper product maintenance, including regular cleaning, filter replacement, and adherence to all recommended usage guidelines, is essential to uphold warranty validity for online purchases.
    • Customers must ensure that the product is installed and used precisely in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and any specific guidance provided for their online purchase to prevent damage, misuse, or voiding of the warranty.
    • Any neglect, misuse, failure to maintain the product as instructed, or non-compliance with the warranty terms for the online purchase may result in the warranty being voided at One Green Filter's sole discretion. In such cases, One Green Filter shall not be liable for any resulting damages, losses, or product failures.
    • Customers are solely responsible for adhering to all warranty terms, conditions, exclusions, and limitations as provided for their online purchase, without exception.


    By clearly outlining these detailed limitations and responsibilities, we aim to ensure a clear understanding between One Green Filter and our online customers, prevent any misunderstandings, and protect the interests of both parties throughout the warranty process.


    One Green Filter is dedicated to maintaining transparency and clarity in our warranty policy to ensure a positive customer experience. To this end, we provide clear specifications regarding the effective date of the warranty policy and outline our procedures for updating or modifying the policy.

    Specification of Effective Date for Online Purchases

    • For products purchased through our online store, the warranty policy's effective date is the date of online order placement and payment.
    • Customers will receive a copy of the applicable warranty terms at the time of their online purchase, with the order date serving as the official start of warranty coverage.
    • The warranty coverage begins on the effective order date and remains valid for the duration specified in the terms, subject to all stated conditions and limitations.


    One Green Filter's Right to Amend

    • One Green Filter reserves the right to update, modify, or amend the warranty policy terms at any time for online purchases without prior notice.
    • Any changes or amendments to the online warranty policy will take effect immediately upon being posted on our website or official channels.
    • Customers who have made online purchases will be notified of any substantive changes to the warranty terms via the email address provided at checkout.
    • It is the responsibility of online customers to review the current warranty policy from time to time and stay informed about any updates or modifications that may apply to their purchase.
    • Continued use of One Green Filter's online-purchased products after the posting of warranty policy changes constitutes acceptance of the revised terms and conditions.


    By clearly specifying the effective date determination for online orders and outlining our policy amendment procedures, One Green Filter aims to maintain transparency and hold ourselves accountable to our valued online customers throughout the warranty process.




    For any inquiries related to warranty claims, policy clarification, or assistance with our products purchased through our online store, please feel free to contact our dedicated customer support team. We are here to help address your concerns and ensure your satisfaction with One Green Filter products. You can reach out to us using the following methods:


    Email: orders@onegreenfilter.com 

    Phone: (727) 222-1800

    Address: 4200 114th Terrace N, Clearwater, FL 33762


    Our knowledgeable and friendly customer support representatives, specializing in online orders, can assist you during regular business hours. Whether you have questions about warranty coverage for your online purchase, need assistance with initiating a warranty claim, or want to learn more about our online products, we are here to provide the support you need. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to serving you.

    Please have your order details and any relevant documentation ready when contacting us to ensure prompt and accurate assistance with your warranty-related inquiries or concerns regarding online-purchased products.











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